
Apr, 1969NSD established as Nippon System Development Co., Ltd. (Original company name) in Osaka-city.
Apr, 1970Opened office in Tokyo.
Aug, 1977Opened office in Nagoya-city.
Feb, 1984Opened office in Fukuoka-city.
Nov, 1988Listed on the 2nd Section of the Osaka Securities Exchange.
Sep, 1998Listed on the 1st Section of the Osaka Securities Exchange.
Nov, 1999Listed on the 1st Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
May, 2001Acquired FSK Co., Ltd. as a subsidiary. (system integration/outsourcing)
Apr, 2002

Received certification that our personal information protection system complies with the standards of JIPDEC*.

  • *Japan Information Processing and DEvelopment Center
Aug, 2007Shareholders Relation Service, Inc. launched operations. (shareholder benefit services)
Oct, 2010Changed name to NSD Co., Ltd.
May, 2012Established NSD International, Inc. in New York, U.S. (services for Japanese companies in the U.S.)
Feb, 2014Established Chengdu Renbenxindong Technology Ltd. in Chengdu, China. (offshore development and services)
Mar, 2015Acquired NMSystems Co., Ltd. as a subsidiary. (human resources and logistics solutions)
Dec, 2017Acquired Japan Job Posting Service, Inc. as a subsidiary. (human resources solutions)
Oct, 2018NMSystems Co., Ltd. and Japan Job Posting Service, Inc. merged under the name StellaS Co., Ltd.
Apr, 2019Established NSD-DX Tecnology Co., Ltd. (Applied research of DX-related technologies)
* Trade name at time of establishment: NSD Advanced Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Apr, 2022Moved to the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Aug, 2022Opened office in Sendai-city.
Oct, 2022Acquired Trigger Inc. as a subsidiary. (IT consulting)
Jan, 2023Opened office in Hiroshima-city.
Apr, 2023Acquired ART Holdings Co., Ltd. as a subsidiary. (software development and solution services)
May, 2023Acquired NHOSA Corporation as a subsidiary. (dental and medical solutions)
Jul, 2024Acquired Trigger Inc. and established Consulting Business Unit