Stock Information
Stock Information
Stock Exchange listings | Tokyo Stock Exchange (Prime Market) |
Stock Code | 9759 |
Fiscal year | From April 1 to March 31 |
Record Date for Dividend Payment (Year-end) | March 31 |
Record Date for Dividend Payment (Interim) | September 30 |
Share Trading unit | 100 shares |
Number of Common Share Issued | 200,000,000 shares |
Number of liquid stocks | 86,000,000 shares |
Number of Shareholders | 30,540 (as of September 30, 2024) |
Method of Public notices | By electronic notification on our website. If a public notice cannot be issued electronically, it will be published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper. |
Shareholder Register Administrator | 4-5, Marunouchi 1-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8212, Japan Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation |