Management Philosophy

Management Philosophy

The NSD Group contributes to the sound development of society
by pushing the boundaries of IT technology
to create and provide new solutions beneficial to people and society,
while viewing coexistence and co-prosperity with employees, customers, and
shareholders as the very essence of our corporate activities.

Basic Management Policy

With Employees

We recognize that employees are our greatest asset,
we believe in the unlimited potential of every employee,
we provide a healthy and comfortable working environment,
this will make NSD a rewarding company to work at
where employees can pursue their dreams with pride.

With Customers

We contribute to the development of our customers,
we respond to the needs of our customers,
this will make NSD a company our customers trust.

For Shareholders

We promote fair and transparent management,
we carry out our business activities efficiently,
this will improve NSD’s corporate value.



NSD Logo

NSD consider employees to be our greatest asset, and we aim to develop people who are trusted and admired by our customers.
Our logo represents the N from our company name with a motif of a vibrant person. The upward reaching element on the top right represents a human arm and the sphere represents a head or face.
The green gradation, reminiscent of the color of young leaves, represents growth and development, while the orange represents the ambition to take on new challenges.

Brand Statement


These words express our desire to both create new Technology with our customers (You) based on the Technology of the NSD Group (I) and to contribute to the future development of customer businesses and all stakeholders (You).

Corporate Advertising

Design since April, 2024

NSD Ad Design