Human Resources Development

Basic Approach

NSD recognizes that people are an important and indispensable asset for supporting its business. As such, the Group positions the development of diverse human resources into true professionals as one of its most important management tasks.
In order to respond to changes in the business environment, such as with the ever-advancing cutting-edge technologies and rapid progress in digital transformation, NSD not only conducts a range of technical training programs so that its people can acquire the leading-edge technological skills, but also provides human skills training that encourages working with autonomy. In this way, NSD enhances both the technical and human capabilities of its workforce.
In addition to such training programs, NSD nurtures the growth of its people through the practice of assigning the right person to the right job.

Training to Improve Technical Skills

With the aim of improving system development and project management skills, we conduct training for all eligible employees based on their position and experience in the Company, and offer elective training programs to improve project management skills and system development skills. Through these training programs, we strive to improve our technical skills so that we can continue to provide high-quality systems and solutions that meet the needs of our customers.

Training based on position and experience

This training is designed to teach the basics of system development and project management according to the employee's position and experience in the Company.

Training Description
Training based on experienceUnit test related, creating work breakdown structures
Training based on positionCreating project plans, risk management, fundamentals of a project manager, requirements management

Elective skills training

This type of training seeks to provide people at NSD with system development skills related to trends in technology, new technologies and digital transformation-related businesses, as well as the project management skills required for the respective roles and positions of the employee.
The Group's training programs are open to everyone at NSD.

Training Description
Training for Agile Development
  • Scrum development for beginners
  • Project Management - Agile and Waterfall
  • Agile project management using scrum development
  • Agile development - test-driven development and automation
Technological trends training
  • Getting started with Angular
  • Getting started with Nest.js
  • AWS Lambda
  • NoSQL
  • Docker
  • Keycloak
  • Amazon ESC/VPC
*As well as the above in-house training programs, curriculums provided by external training institutes are provided to support the people at NSD in improving their system development and project management skills.
We offer a wide range of different training programs which includes; external group training to help employees improve their technical skills and give them the knowledge needed for their respective jobs, position, and role; SEcollege where employees can take courses in all the different technology fields such as databases, networks, AI and more; as well as many other e-learning courses.

PMP training

Aiming to give and help the people at NSD improve their project management skills, NSD encourages employees to obtain Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification which is granted to those who have a certain level of experience, education, and knowledge in project management.
The purpose of this training is to help those employees who are expected to go on to promote projects acquire the right kind of project management expertise.

Training Description
PMP® exam preparation courseGaining knowledge on PMP®
Agile development training for PMP® studentsGaining knowledge on Agile development
Exam preparation for PMP® certificationGaining knowledge on PMP® (e-learning)
*Project Management Professional (PMP)® is a registered trademark of the US-based Project Management Institute.

Training to Improve Human Skills

NSD conducts training for employees based on their experience and position in the Company to help them develop their human skills around the idea of becoming self-starters. By combining these programs with on-the-job training to encourage its people to gain the job knowledge and expertise as well as the skills specific to each workplace, NSD helps support the growth of its workforce with respect to every individual's unique characteristics.
We also conduct training on specific topics to foster an awareness of compliance issues, ensure a thorough understanding on information security, and improve leadership skills for junior employees.

Training Description
Training based on experience
  • Group training for new employees
  • Self-study materials for new employees
  • Follow-up training for new employees
  • 2nd year training (how to communicate effectively with others)
  • 3rd year training (active listening and asking questions)
  • 5th year training (thinking about your own vision)
Training based on position
  • Rank-up training (facilitation / coaching)
  • Training for new manager/specialist certification (vision formation and strengthening value proposition capabilities)
  • Training for newly appointed management-level employees (management / balancing hitting targets with human resource development)
Training based on topic
  • Compliance, internal control
  • Information security, protecting personal information
  • Training for on-the-job trainers