Waste Management
Basic Approach
NSD has been working to reduce waste, mainly with the recycling of computers that are no longer used in its business. We recognize that the reuse and recycling of waste and resources through separation is one of the issues of conserving the environment.
In accordance with our Environmental Policy, we will continue to actively work to reduce waste by going paperless and through the reuse and recycling of computers in order to reduce the impact our offices have on the environment.
Efforts to Reduce Waste
100% computer reuse/recycling rate maintained
In terms of the reuse and recycling of computers, the department in charge regularly shares information and coordinates efforts within the Company. As such, we have been able to maintain a 100% reuse/recycling rate.
Going paperless
As part of its efforts to go paperless, NSD is introducing EDI transactions in its supply chain, working to convert internal documents into electronic form, and cutting down on the amount of printer paper it buys and uses.
Taking advantage of countermeasures in light of the pandemic, NSD's move to go paperless has made great progress with the implementation of computer workflow systems and remote working.